Graduation application deleware county community college

Student Services

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Prior to the semester the student intends to graduate, he or she must:

Note: The signature of the academic advisor, program director, or campus academic officer indicates that they have reviewed the graduation requirements with the student.

It is the student's responsibility to coordinate all degree or certificate requirements for completion with the appropriate academic advisor, or academic department. If the student does not complete the graduation requirements outlined in the semester requested on the application, he or she must file another application in a subsequent semester. If the student was awarded student loans for any semester while attending WCCCD, loan exit counseling must be completed online at Diplomas will not be released until this requirement has been met.

The Admissions and Records Office will send a letter to the student acknowledging receipt of the application for graduation. The student will be notified of pending status by the District Records Office upon receipt of file from the campus office.

Students will be notified also of recommendation for graduation, to ceremonies and rituals for commencement participation.

Upon completion of all requirements, the student will receive a certificate or degree by mail. Indication of the degree or certificate awarded will be reflected on the college transcript when it has been determined that all requirements have been satisfied.

A replacement diploma will be provided for a fee. For additional information about graduation requirements, please contact (313) 496-2634.

Please Note: All students readmitted to the college after missing four or more regular semesters will be responsible for the curricula and regulations published in the current catalog and other official publications which are in effect at the time of their readmission. In certain cases, dates of program admission may take precedent over dates of college admission for the purpose of meeting program requirements for graduation.