Returning Student Housing Assignments & Room Selection

Access the Housing Application by clicking the My ResLife link on the Agora Portal. Be sure to complete the Housing Intent and Residency Agreement pages within the application. The housing application is due on Friday, February 2nd.

Care for each other and plan for various outcomes

Before housing selection begins, have conversations about Plan A, B, C, and D with your entire group.

Determine if you'll be part of a group

Determine if you want to block

Blocking is a process where groups of students can request adjacent rooms. For example, a group of 16 students can "block" with the intent of living in two adjacent eight-person suites in Walsh Hall.

Random Drawing

After registration closes, the computer system will randomly select the participants for each day. All members of the groups that participate in each drawing will receive an email informing them of their drawing results.

Room Pick

If your group is selected to pick a room, your group leader will receive an email with a scheduled "pick time" and other important details.There is no waitlist to move to alternate spaces after your selection. After you have selected your space, your selection is final for the next academic year.

Open Registration

Any student that is eligible for housing during room selection, but does not wish to form a group and select a space, is welcome to participate in Open Registration. Open Registration Sign-Up will be available for students to complete for several days before and after the group process. In the sign-up students may rank their room type preference (traditional, suite or apartment) and provide any roommate preference, if applicable. Students will be assigned to available spaces starting in June.

Info Session Presentation

Pick Day Process

Group Selection Day

Group Room Selection Dates

Group Registration and Selection Times:

Group Selection Process:

Mon 3/11, 10am-1pm

Tues 3/12, 10am-1pm

Wed 3/13, 10am-1pm

Thurs 3/14, 10am-1pm

Starts at 4pm, Fri 3/15

Mon 3/18, 10am-1pm

Starts at 4pm, Tues 3/19

Tues 3/19, 10am-1pm

Registration times for each day will begin at 10:00 am EST and end at 1:00 pm EST. Room selection pick times will begin at 4 PM EST the day after you register your group. We understand that with many students in different time zones, there may be challenges or complications with registration and selection times. If you foresee having issues with any dates or times, please let us know and we will do our best to work with you and your group.

Group Leader Responsibilities

  1. The Group Leader is responsible for creating the group during group registration from 10am-1pm EST.
  2. The Group Leader then verifies the group. Verified groups cannot be changed.
  3. Groups will randomly be selected to participate in the group selection process.
  4. If your group is selected to pick a room, your Group Leader will receive an email with your group pick time.

Helpful Hints

Don't register for housing you do not want.

Your social life will be what you make it, no matter where you live.

Pick one direct roommate and don't leave each other during the process.

Before housing selection begins, have conversations about Plan A, B, C, and D with your entire group.

Make plans where no one gets "cut out." Blocking can help with this.


Blocking allows several groups to select housing at the same time.

The number of blocked groups allowed is based on room type:

Groups must be the same size and apply for the same type of housing.

Blocked groups have one leader who registers for everyone.

Blocking does not improve or hurt your chances of housing.

Special Considerations

Living Learning Communities

If you are interested in applying to one of our Living Learning Communities be sure to complete the appropriate pages within the same Housing Application.

Sophomore Living Experience

For the 2023-24 academic year, we are establishing a new living community in Walsh for sophomore students. If you are interested in selecting one roommate, developing relationships with new students, and confirming your housing assignment prior to room selection, this option might be good for you. If you are interested in this opportunity, please make sure that you complete that section of your housing application by Friday, February 3rd. More information about the sophomore living experience can be found in the tab at the top of this page.

Housing Accommodations

Any student requesting a housing assignment based on a medical condition, psychological or physical disability must register or re-register with the Disability Services Office by the priority deadlines established for each semester.

To be considered for needs based housing accommodations, students should:

1. Complete the Disability Services Registration Form online.

2. Submit documentation (either attach it with your online registration, or email/fax it to the Disability Services email Please review Documentation requirements on their website.

3. Make an initial registration meeting with Disability Services staff. Your meeting will take place via phone/Google Hangout. To schedule a meeting please use their online scheduling calendar. If you encounter issues, please call (617) 552-3434. (Please note that both the registration and documentation steps must be complete prior to your meeting.)

4. Documentation will be reviewed by the Office of Disability Services on a rolling basis. Students will be notified via their BC email account once their request(s) have been reviewed and a decision has been made.



I missed the Housing Application deadline. What do I do?

Room selection is a deadline-driven process and students that miss a deadline may no longer be eligible for University housing. If you do not submit your housing application by the deadline and would still like to live in University housing, you must file a housing appeal via the MyResLife link on the Agora Portal.

Where is the room selection process held?

The entire room selection process is held online, in the MyResLife area on the Agora portal.

How does the room selection process work?

Students can choose to participate in room selection as a group (Group Selection) or as an individual (Open Registration).

There are four main parts to the Group Selection process:

Housing Application: In order to begin the room selection process, eligible students must indicate their housing intent within the returning student housing application via the MyResLife link on the Agora Portal.

Group Registration: The Group Leader registers the group for a particular room type via MyResLife. Group registrations take place between 9am and 1pm.

Room Draw: Following the close of registration, a computer-driven random drawing will select the participants for each day. All members of the groups that participate in each drawing will receive an email regarding their drawing results.

Room Pick: If a group is selected to pick a room, the Group Leader will receive an email with the scheduled time at which he/she will select next year's room assignment online. The selection will take place later that same day. If your group receives a pick time, your group must select housing on that day

After a group has picked a room, the process is over. If a group was not drawn for a particular accommodation type, that group will have to continue through the process for the next available day.

If a student decides to participate in Open Registration instead of Group Selection, he/she must complete the Open Registration portion of the housing application, located on Agora under MyResLife.

I have three years of housing. Can I live off campus my sophomore year and live on campus my junior year?

If a student was granted three years of housing, the mandatory year off campus is junior year. Students are not permitted to change this. If a rising sophomore student with three years of housing chooses to move off-campus, he/she will have to remain off campus for both sophomore and junior years; but will be eligible to move back on campus senior year.

How do I apply for a Living & Learning Community?

Applications for Living & Learning Communities (LLC) are made available within the Housing Application. Students should answer all required questions regarding Living & Learning Communities within the Housing Application. The upperclassmen LLC options are: Sustainability, Honors, and Healthy Living Community. To learn more, please visit the Living & Learning Programs page.

Eligibility Codes & Categories

Individual Eligibility Codes

Each eligible student is given a number code based on their class year. Note that a student with one semester left to complete their degree is coded as a junior, even though their current class year is senior.

Juniors & Seniors = 1
Sophomores = 2
First-Year = 3

Categories and Blocking

Students can form groups and combine their individual eligibility codes to make a group total. The totals then fall into the categories below. Groups of students can then block together with other groups so as to share the same pick time to choose their separate rooms. Groups can only block within their own category, meaning a group that falls into category 1 can only block with another group from category 1, category 2 can only block with category 2, and so on.

2-Person Apartments

Category 1 = 2 or 3
Category 2 = 4 or 5
Category 3 = 6

6-Person Suites

(2 triple bedrooms in 90 STM)

Category 1 = 6 or 7
Category 2 = 8, 9, 10, or 11
Category 3 = 12 or 13
Category 4 = 14 or 15
Category 5 = 16, 17, or 18

3-Person Apartments

Category 1 = 3 or 4
Category 2 = 5, 6, or 7
Category 3 = 8 or 9

8-Person Suites

Category 1 = 8 or 9
Category 2 = 10, 11, 12, or 13
Category 3 = 14, 15, 16, or 17
Category 4 = 18, 19, 20, 21, or 22
Category 5 = 23 or 24

4-Person Suites and Apartments

Category 1 = 4 or 5
Category 2 = 6 or 7
Category 3 = 8 or 9
Category 4 = 10
Category 5 = 11 or 12

9 Person Suites

(3 triple bedrooms in Vanderslice)
Category 1 = 9, through 19
Category 2 = 20, 21, 22, 23, 24 or 25
Category 3 = 26 or 27

6-Person Suites and Apartments

Category 1 = 6 or 7
Category 2 = 8, 9, 10, or 11
Category 3 = 12 or 13
Category 4 = 14 or 15
Category 5 = 16, 17, or 18

2, 3, & 4-Person Traditional Style Rooms

Category 1 = code average 1.0
Category 2 = code average between 1.01 – 1.5
Category 3 = code average between 1.51 – 2.0
Category 4 = code average between 2.01 – 2.5
Category 5 = code average between 2.51 – 3.0

Historical Data

The information listed below is a snapshot of previous housing selection results. Outcomes of room selection may change year to year based on class sizes, student choices and preferences, and other variables. The room selection process is a random process, with collective class year of groups as the only factor that influences priority. The below numbers reflect the end results of room selection and do not necessarily predict individual outcomes or chances of receiving specific housing.

Sophomore Housing

Junior Housing

Senior Housing

Study Abroad Information

Study Abroad FAQs

If I’m studying abroad for the fall semester, can I still go through room selection?

Yes. If a student is eligible for on-campus housing they are able to select a space during the March Group Selection process, or complete the Open Registration process. Students who are going abroad in the fall, are not required to participate in the housing selection process; it typically is a back-up option in case a student’s study abroad plans change.

Do I still need to submit an appeal if I have guaranteed housing?

Yes. Residential Life will do their best to communicate with students who are already eligible for on-campus housing about the housing application process, but if you do not already have an open housing application, the appeal form will notify Residential Life that you are interested in living on-campus.

I only want on-campus housing for the spring semester, is that an option?

Yes, students that are going abroad in the fall semester are able to request on-campus housing for just the spring semester. We would ask that students submit a housing appeal for the applicable spring semester, and then Residential Life would be able to provide a Spring Only Housing Application for a student to complete. We cannot guarantee that all students returning from abroad will be able to live on-campus in the spring, but typically there is space available for anyone that is interested in housing for just the spring semester.

If I select a room during room selection and study abroad in the fall semester, can my room be held for me until when I return to campus in the spring semester?

No. Once you have confirmed to be studying abroad in the fall semester, you will be removed from your housing assignment for the entire academic year. Once you have been removed from your housing assignment, you will no longer have claim to this room for the spring semester, which means that another student will be assigned to any vacant spaces by Residential Life. Please note that rooms that end up being vacated cannot be held or blocked by you or your roommates within the space. If it is found that students are deterring students from moving into the vacancy, then they could be referred to the Student Conduct process.

What happens if I’m removed from my housing assignment and then my study abroad program is canceled?

In the event that your study abroad program may be canceled, you would need to submit a housing appeal, even if you do have guaranteed housing for that year. If your appeal is approved, our office would work with you to try to assign you to a space on-campus. However, you may not be able to be assigned to the room you selected during room selection.

Can I request to live in a specific place or with a specific person when I return to campus?

Yes and yes. Within the spring only housing application, you will be able to list your preferences for room types (i.e. traditional, suite, apartment), as well as listing any specific roommate requests. However, our office may not be able to meet your request depending what rooms are available.

Fall Study Abroad Information

Spring Study Abroad Information

Important Dates